Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thank you

Thanks Doreen (http://doreenscreativespace.blogspot.com/) for thinking of me and rewarding me with this award. Today I'm passing it on to these fine people:

Here's my chosen list:

If you accept this award, please pass it on and then let your chosen blogging friends know they have been awarded this by sending them a comment on their blog or by emailing them.


Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Thanks for the award :D Much appreciated. Will pass it along to more deserving people.

clare @ the pretty walrus said...

aw thanks honey! :)

Doreen said...

You're so very welcome Zen, you certainly deserve it!
How nice to see you enjoying your award and passing it on to others : )

Dina said...

Thanks for the award, will pass it on

Robin said...

Thank you, that's very sweet of you.