These photos were taken two Sundays ago, after a one and a half hour trip driving with my husband towards the North searching for the best location to capture sunset. (Sadly, I haven't yet had much opportunity to experiment with my new camera. I get tired easily and breathless doing simple tasks. Walking long distances in search of capturing interesting photos is also temporarily out of the question. Husband, seems to have taken over my camera - photography has become his latest fad. )
At last, we stopped over the top of the cliffs overlooking Paradise Bay and waited for the sun to go down. However at one point I got this sudden urge to go the loo. (Ah!! pregnancy has made me befriend the loo more than I want to. Doctor insists that I drink a lot of water and having baby squashing my bladder doesn't help the situation. Now whenever I go out to run some errands I either have to abstain from drinking or else make sure of not taking long in running errands. At times I feel like an old lady on diuretics.) Anyway, I was telling you about this sudden urge - well, we were far away from any public restrooms so I had two options - either outside (which would have never been my option) or start looking for any restrooms at nearby hotel or the bar near the Cirkewwa harbour. Husband was too far away for me to call him so I had no choice but to leave him there and go in search of the closest loo.
All of a sudden I turned into F1 driver Mark Webber and sped down the bumpy road (making it all the worse for me) and headed for the bar. I pulled in the first parking place I found but forgot that I can no longer squeeze through narrow places...aaagh reversed and found another place..but again it was also a narrow slot...I was going to leave the car sitting in the middle of the parking area when I found this yellow slot exactly in front of the bar's door, at that point I was past caring for any lurking wardens and simply pulled in front of its drive way. Had the door been wider I think I would have driven it inside. I simply needed a loo. Luckily, I made it in time and boy never did I feel so relieved! I had gone inside the bar like a crazy whale and went out like a fresh watermelon on sticks.
When I returned back to the photosession location I took the opportunity to take three sunset photos (two of which are above).
Haha great story Zen, sounds like you had quite the adventure. Great pictures too :o)
Yep pregnancy does do that to you :) Nice photos.
Hi Zen, your posting really made me smile : ) The fun of being pregnant!
I loved all the pics, really beautiful, I'm sure you'll be having loads of fun with your camera when your new bundle of joy arrives!
Thanks for sharing : )
Blessings and best wishes,
HaHa!! oh how I remember the loo urges of a pregnant mama'!!
Great sunset shots.
Brilliant photos I must say. Very professional. I'd be tempted to use them had you not Copyrighted them!
God bless.
I know that urge, went through that when I was pregnant too. Great pictures!
I love sunsets!
Sunsets are so... magical. You're very gifted.
I will be thinking of you as you carry the little one... those are some of my most precious memories.
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